Friday, July 21, 2017

How to Write Your Own Song Lyrics

how to write your own song lyrics

How to Write Your Own Song Lyrics 

Frankly, writing song lyrics is not that difficult. In fact, it is easy because lyrics can be found readily around you all the time; that is if you are more observant. As you know a song can be written about anything; from a heart break to some wild kinky fantasy to serious stuff like environmental pollution. Yes, the option of writing song lyrics is endless.

So, where can one get ideas for writing song lyrics? As I have just mentioned, be observant. Open your ears and listen attentively or even eavesdrop on daily common conversations around you. Train your ears to pick up any word, sound around you. They are all great sources of song lyrics.

Click Here to Get Learn More about Writing Lyrics 

The next thing is to read voraciously. Anything you can lay your hand on. Inspiration can be found everywhere and anywhere; from trashy novels, lifestyle magazines, daily newspapers, books of quotes, funny comics, shopping leaflets, etc. If you come across any interesting phrases or profound quotations which you think can be spun into a story line, just jot them down on a note pad. Then when you are in the mood of writing your song lyrics, refer to these bits and pieces of inspirations. You'll be amazed that some of them can be nuggets of brilliant ideas.

When you first get your lyrical ideas, don't to be overly concerned about the first draft. Just keep writing as the ideas and words come tumbling. After that, only you start polishing them as you go along. Now only you start searching for the appropriate words that will make your lyrics sing and rhyme. One important reminder here. Your song lyrics do not always have to rhyme. You are not writing a nursery rhyme here.

But if you need rhyme in your lyrics, then do so, by all means. I strongly advise you to get a good rhyming dictionary to help you out. Whatever you do, the most important aspect in writing song lyrics is, you want the lyrics and rhymes to flow naturally.

Remember that when writing song lyrics, you don't try to finish an entire song in one go. Unless that day you are in an exceptionally creative mode and the muse is sitting on your shoulder, so to speak. Just like other writers, you will encounter writer's block along the way. So, be patient and be kind to yourself. Don't force yourself. It will only drain you mentally and you ended up with a horrendous result.

You would be either surprised or shocked at what you have written earlier. After a break, you will return with a fresher perspective. Believe me, this is really helpful. From there you either start a fresh song or make any necessary amendment to your earlier written work. Just like any writing, be prepared for lots of rewriting and tweaking, to get that polished end result. Be patient. Any words or phrases which come around, quickly write them down. Or else you may lose them forever.

The more you write, the better one becomes. There are folks who prefer to write down lyrics as they come to them throughout the day. But if you prefer, you may schedule a regular time each day and really focus on composing those lyrics into a proper song. It can either early in the morning or late in the night when it is quieter and you are more relaxed.

One great way of helping you to write song lyrics is by collecting well-written song lyrics for your reference. Do not copy others' work in verbatim. Use them as a guide or inspiration to trigger your creativity. Study how professional lyricists choose their words and express them in the song.

Of course, this day there is song writing software available online which can help aspiring lyricists. Whatever it is, writing song lyrics is not that difficult and it should be fun too. If not, then, you have done it wrong. Happy writing!


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